Are you ready for:

What you'll get from Reclaim! The I AM Experience


Stress management: Building resilience helps you cope with stress more effectively, allowing you to maintain a calmer and more composed demeanor in challenging situations. This can positively impact your overall well-being.

Improved problem-solving: Confidence and resilience empower you to approach problems with a solution-oriented mindset. You’re more likely to persevere, explore different strategies, and find creative solutions to parenting challenges.

Emotional well-being: Building resilience fosters emotional strength, allowing you to bounce back from setbacks and handle emotional ups and downs with greater ease. This can contribute to your overall emotional well-being as a mother.

Better communication: Confidence enables you to express yourself more assertively and effectively. You’re more likely to communicate your needs, set boundaries, and engage in open and honest communication with your children, partner, and other caregivers.

Enhanced self-care: Growing your confidence and resilience reminds you of the importance of self-care. You recognize that taking care of your own needs is vital to your well-being as a mother, allowing you to be more present, patient, and attentive to your children.

Increased self-belief: As your confidence grows, you develop a stronger belief in your abilities as a mother. This self-belief can drive you to take on new challenges, seek personal growth, and push past self-imposed limitations

Being a mother doesn't mean sacrificing yourself; it means prioritizing yourself so that you can give your best to those you love.

Your Investment

$ 197 USD
  • 30 Days Of Daily Tips, Journal Prompts & Video Training
  • Daily Meditations

If you're looking to

Then Reclaim - The I AM experience is for you.

I love to work with mothers who are looking to reclaim their confidence and resilience to cope with the ebbs and flows of womanhood and Motherhood. Living a life that is joyful.

Gratitude in motherhood: joy multiplied, confidence and resilience amplified

I very much believe in the value of the services I offer and the positive change that can be experienced by mothers who are in essence feeling fed up, at their wit’s end and lost. I devote my time and work to empowering them so they can feel in control of their emotions, know who they are, and feel strong and confident to face the events of their world. 

I would love to support you too…